Video Conferencing Endppoints

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Name Peoplelink
Phone 04066903960
Date Published November 28, 2018
Category Other Electronics
Country India
State Andhra Pradesh
City Hyderabad
Area HITEC City
Number of Visits 75

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PeopleLink Elite (1+5) Endpoint is an endpoint device that delivers HD quality audio/visuals even in low bandwidth.The in-built VPN feature provides required network security for all users. The device allows easy data and rich-media sharing with ease and can be easily integrated with the standardized video systems and other hardware based endpoints with necessary licenses, making it exceptionally pocket-friendly.Video Meetings - PeopleLink Elite Series is a Video Conferencing Endpoint having Multi Control Unit ideally designed for business-to-business communications.

We build video conferencing software products that make everyday business interactions within the organization and with the outside world smarter. In essence, creating nextgen worker & customer experiences through design & technology.

To Know more :

video conferencing endpoints,video conferencing products,video conferencing equipments,video conferencing solutions

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