Vesico Vaginal Fistula Treatment Clinic | Laparoscopic Urological Surgery

Price Free
Name lalitha
Phone 9502347362
Date Published December 10, 2018
Category Health - Beauty - Fitness
Country India
State Andhra Pradesh
City Hyderabad
Area Indianapolis
Address Axis Bank Lane, Opp. Audi Car Show Room, Road No. 12, Banjara Hills.
Number of Visits 79

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The urinary bladder is a like structure and muscular which collects and stores urine excreted by the kidneys. When the bladder gets filled up with urine, a person gets the urge to urinate. However, there can be loss of bladder control, resulting in leakage of urine even before getting to the bathroom. This is known as urinary incontinence. The urine may leak drop by drop, when you cough or laugh, or you may feel a sudden urge to pass a continuous amount of urine, and cannot make it in time to the restroom. This results in an awkward situation, but should not be ignored, and help must be sought to cure or control the incontinence.

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