Suppliers of Gardening Water Softener in Anantapur

Price 29,750.00 Rs. ₹
Name alkarawater
Phone 9399906356
Date Published February 12, 2019
Category Other Electronics
Country India
State Andhra Pradesh
City Anantapur
Number of Visits 129

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Alkara water conditioner with german technology gives best solution to the problems of hard water.

Alkara presenting you domestic, commercial, irrigation and industrial water solutions.
alkara technical experts visit your place and give you the right inputs which suits your water needs whether it is commercial or residential.

Gardening & landscape water softener conditioner:

Alkara soft water conditioner: perfectly absorb in the soil, helps in plant growth. Improve water penetration & save water usage.
Dripper and sprinkler: removes and prevents scaling, rust and corrosion. Ball valves and taps operate smoothly. Drip irrigation lines stay clean. Ball valves and taps operate smoothly
Fertilizers: fewer fertilizers required. For organic farms, without fertilizers can survive.
Algae growth: inhibits algae growth in ponds. Stock troughs and tanks remain cleaner.
Pipes and plumbing: prevents build up scale formation, clog and pipe corrosion.

For further details:-
Please visit:
Office: 040-27125456
Contact: 9000580256

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    3 Suppliers of Gardening Water Softener in Anantapur