SMTP Relay Service that provides reliable

Price 900.00 US $
Name alex
Phone 8662747395
Date Published August 19, 2017
Category Other Services
Country India
State Andhra Pradesh
City Visakhapatnam
Area Chenei
Address Dheli.India
Number of Visits 118

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Hot sol provides secure, scalable dedicated email marketing servers for small and large businesses.

Our global network of servers are located in highly secure data centers in the US, Pakistan and Germany and are specifically configured for high volume delivery.
Send Billions of Emails /newsletter Daily With Dedicated Bulk Email Servers Get 35% Off /Month

With our dedicated email servers, customers can deploy millions of emails with dedicated IPs, maximizing inbox delivery.
Our high performance dedicated email servers are not shared and are allocated exclusively to your business.
With a dedicated email server equip with dedicated IPs, you can be sure that you are not sharing space with a potential spammer or bad actor.
Advantages of a Dedicated Server for Email Marketing

Improved processing speed for high volume email delivery
Dedicated bandwidth resources
Manage your IP reputation with dedicated IPs
Keep you data safe and secure
Host any email sending software
Send your email campaigns with multiple domains and IPs
Manage unlimited subscribers with unlimited email lists
Send multiple email campaigns simultaneous

Emails:1 Million/daily approx*
Subscribers: unlimited
Email Tracking: Yes
Send HTML:Yes
Dedicated IP:16
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Alex says :

Hotsol is an email marketing company that specializes in high volume email delivery. We work with small, medium and large companies to send large amounts of email on a daily basis. Whether its transactional or promotional email, our network architecture is specifically designed to deliver your email campaign to a high number of subscribers at affordable prices

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    4 SMTP Relay Service that provides reliable