Significant Role of learning abacus for children

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Name mohit
Phone 9911833999
Date Published January 12, 2017
Category Education & Training
Country India
State Haryana
Area Sushant Lok-i
Address C-933 ,Basement Second Right From Mother Dairy Booth, Vyapar Kendra, Sushant Lok 1, Gurgaon
Number of Visits 99

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Abacus is the most ancient tool known for the purpose of calculations. This is the oldest form of calculator also called a counting frame, and back to the period 2700–2300 BC, which saw the first appearance of the abacus. The abacus and the counting boards were the aids which were used to simplify the calculations. In no way, it can be compared with the calculators that are used today. While the person using it actually calculates in his mind, the abacus only helps him keep a track of his calculations; which make the calculations much easier. It is one of the most important calculating devices invented for the calculation purposes. Abacus is a simple device but throughout the changing times, it has proved to be an important instrument of an economy.

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