Sandeep Marwah Has Been Announced as The Most Inspirational Personality 2020

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Name Sanjay Shah
Date Published May 19, 2021
Category Community Activities
Country India
State Delhi
City New Delhi
Number of Visits 132

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Dubai: The Chief Scout for India and Seven times World records holder Dr. Sandeep Marwah President of Marwah Studios has been nominated as The Most Inspirational Personality of 2020 by the reputed educational and social body of UAE– The Abrahamic Business Circle.

The award will be presented in a grand event in a hotel Taj at Dubai in the presence of some of the greatest leaders of the World and International Educational fraternity.

Sandeep Marwah, of Republic of India, is the founder of Noida Film city, Founder President of Marwah Studios and founder Chancellor of AAFT University of Media And Arts. He has been in education for now 27 years and is the recipient of seven hundred awards from all over the World including prestigious awards from Welsh Parliament, British Parliament Munich Parliament. As Global Cultural Minister he has been chairing national and international 100 social, cultural, media organizations. He has been teacher to 19000 media professions hailing from 145 countries of the World. The award will be presented to him in education summit at Dubai.

Joy Malka Rothenberg International Lawyer Bloomberg Awardee Zell and Aron Co., H.E. Dr. Raphael Nagel Senior Advisor to Royal Families and UHNW Founder and Chairman The Abrahamic Business Circle, Mitch Lowe Co Founding Executive of Netflix CEO of Movie Pass Former President of Red Box and member of ABCAB, H.E. Prof. Uriel Reichman President Inter Disciplinary Centre Former Minister of Education Israel, H.E. George Arvel Vice President Insignia Former Minister of Economy Georgia, H.E. Ambassador Franz Michael Skjold Mellbin Ambassador Royal Danish Embassy Ministry of Foreign Affairs Denmark shall be attending the education summit.

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