Responsible for performing some office duties at Aviation Sector...

Price 700,074.00 Rs. ₹
Name Srishti Sarkar
Phone 8335092417
Date Published February 23, 2018
Category Other Jobs
Country India
State West Bengal
City Kolkata
Area Kolkata, India
Address Dumdum, Jassore Road
Number of Visits 33

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We have 65 vacancies for Various Airlines Company..
Criteria -

Post - Cargo / Loader / Ground staff / Cabin crew
Salary - 14.5 k to 32.7 k per month
Candidates Requirement -
Age - 18-35 years
Qualification - HS & above

Note - We are not a consultancy.. .
Need freshers in Airlines for direct joining
Job Type: Full-time
Required education:
• High school or equivalent

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    1 Responsible for performing some office duties at Aviation Sector...