Price | Check with seller |
Name | Synerheal Pharmaceuticals |
Phone | 8925941222 |
Date Published | August 22, 2024 |
Category | Health - Beauty - Fitness |
Country | India |
State | Tamil Nadu |
City | Chennai |
Area | Chennai |
Address | No. 20, First Avenue, Shastri Nagar,Adyar, Chennai - 600 020 |
Number of Visits | 51 |
Pressure ulcers also known as bedsores, result from prolonged pressure on specific body areas, often affecting immobile individuals. Common on bony prominences, they can lead to severe complications. Prevention involves frequent repositioning, proper skincare, and managing underlying health issues. Treatment includes wound care and addressing contributing factors for optimal healing.
Progression phases of pressure ulcers
Stage 1
The skin appears red or discolored and may feel warm or painful.
Stage 2
The skin breaks open or forms a blister
Stage 3
The wound extends into deeper tissue layers
Stage 4
The damage extends even deeper, potentially affecting muscle and bone.
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