Natural Eco water softener for Agriculture in Bangalore

Price Free
Name alkara
Phone 9535817416
Date Published March 14, 2019
Category Others
Country India
State Karnataka
City Bangalore
Area "Marathahalli: "
Address 560021
Number of Visits 163

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ALKARA water conditioner with GERMAN Technology gives best solution to the problems of hard water.
ALKARA presenting you Domestic, Commercial, Irrigation and Industrial water solutions.
ALKARA technical experts visit your place and give you the right inputs which suits your water needs whether it is commercial or residential.

Agricultural Eco Soft Water Solutions:

1. Improves soil structure and pH levels.
2. Increase healthy growth rate of plants
3. Increases water absorption perfectly.
4. Removes and prevents scaling on dripper and sprinkler.
5. Increases in size of fruits and vegetables & improves the tastes.
6. Increases in crop production & crop quality.

Alkara Soft water Equipment Usage:
Low cost, Easy to Install
No electricity, No water wastage
Eco friendly, No harmful chemicals
No maintenance required
Unlimited water

For Further details:-
Please Visit:
Office: 040-27125456 / 40158756
Mobile Number:9535817416

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alkara says :

alkara watersoftener

alkarawatersoftener says :

ALKARA water conditioner with GERMAN Technology gives best solution to the problems of hard water. ALKARA presenting you Domestic, Commercial, Irrigation and Industrial water solutions. ALKARA technical experts visit your place and give you the right inputs which suits your water needs whether it is commercial or residential. Agricultural Eco Soft Water Solutions: 1. Improves soil structure and pH levels. 2. Increase healthy growth rate of plants 3. Increases water absorption perfectly. 4. Removes and prevents scaling on dripper and sprinkler. 5. Increases in size of fruits and vegetables & improves the tastes. 6. Increases in crop production & crop quality. Alkara Soft water Equipment Usage: Low cost, Easy to Install No electricity, No water wastage Eco friendly, No harmful chemicals No maintenance required Unlimited water For Further details:- Please Visit: Office: 040-27125456 / 40158756 Mobile Number: 9535817416

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