Price | Check with seller |
Name | Sang Froid Chemicals Pvt. Ltd |
Phone | 281-2230692 |
Date Published | July 5, 2018 |
Category | Other Services |
Country | India |
State | Gujarat |
City | Rajkot |
Area | Sangawa Chowk |
Address | 302, Swastic Chamber, Opp. Garediya Kuva, Sangawa Chowk, Rajkot-360001. (Guj. -India). |
Number of Visits | 65 | offer magnesium chloride, liquid bromine, magnesium chloride flakes, magnesium chloride for aquaculture, magnesium chloride for aqua, magnesium chloride for concrete hardner and more like magnesium chloride for deicing, magnesium chloride crystals, magnesium chloride granules, magnesium chloride pellets and magnesium chloride liquid manufacturer, supplier, Exporters and Sellers from South Asia, South Africa, Usa, Canada, Australia and Europe.
302, Swastic Chamber, Opp. Garediya Kuva,
Sangawa chowk, Rajkot-360001. (Guj. -India).
Phone No. : +91 – 281-2230692
Mobile No. : +91 – 99250 15995
Email : [email protected]
Email : [email protected]
Website :