Price | Check with seller |
Name | GURI |
Phone | 9569806826 |
Date Published | February 10, 2018 |
Category | Education & Training |
Country | India |
State | Chandigarh |
City | Chandigarh |
Area | Chandigarh |
Address | C-134, 1st Floor, PCL CHOWK, PHASE-8 INDUSTRIAL AREA, MOHALI, Punjab |
Number of Visits | 94 |
The top and best GATE training center “Education Xperts” made easy coaching in Chandigarh. The Faculty of our institute focus on providing In-depth knowledge of the subject which bring out the best among best. Our experts have an experience of over a decade in GATE. We provide online tests to practice before appearing for GATE and best study material for preparation So we well known for our unique training centre where we concentrate on each and every student.