Kuwait Police Clearance Certificate

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Name Genius Attestation
Phone 9020231515
Date Published May 8, 2017
Category Other Services
Country India
State Kerala
City Kottayam
Area Kottayam
Address Triveni Complex, T B Road, Kottayam
Number of Visits 81

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kuwait police clearance certificate

A police clearance certificate is a copy of your criminal record or a declaration of
the absence of any criminal record. Both locals and expats are supposed to obtain
this certificate. Police clearance certificates are different in each country and
territory and may be called police certificates, good conduct certificates,
judicial record extracts, PCC, etc. They are issued by police authorities or
government departments and used by Citizenship and Immigration to prevent individuals
who pose a risk to country’s security from entering the country.
It is mainly used for the following purposes:

* To engage in business abroad.
* Obtaining entry visas for certain countries.
* Migration to other countries.
* Employer’s Request.
* Joining the University.
* Other similar purposes.
* Working as Tourist Guide.
We obtaining PCC from UAE within No. of working days,
More details regarding Police clearance certificate speak to our experienced
Customer Services representative on 9645000099

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