kandharamMatrimony.com - Find lakhs of Brides and Grooms on kandharammatrimony

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Name Haresh
Phone 9954562565
Date Published December 30, 2016
Category Advertising
Country India
State Goa
City Panaji
Area Panji
Number of Visits 85

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kandharamMatrimony - Find lakhs of Brides and Grooms on kandharammatrimony.com the most trusted wedding destination to find your special someone. Register Free! Create your profile with every possible data that you want to show. Your profile will be visible to All (You can also choose to hide contact details). You can send messages directly to partner. You can view other members contact details.You can view other members horoscope details. You can directly send a profile link to anyone who you want to show your profile for reference although your partner would not see your contact details unless he/she logs in and have permission from you. Know your Match-Making with your partner. Online chat is available for everyone. No Registration fee No Sign Up Fee it's completely free. You will also get alerts to your mobile number if anyone sends photo request , album request , video request, contact request, horoscope request and many more. All this feature is for Free. All the information you pass is encrypted to maintain total security appear in Kandharam Matrimony. Only approved and moderated members appear in Kandharam Matrimony. Matrimonial, Matrimony, Indian Matrimonial - India Matrimonials. Kandharammatrimony.com - The No. 1 & Most Successful Indian Matrimonial Website. Trusted by millions of Indian Brides & Grooms globally. Register FREE. [Posted ID IM16L2959]

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