Interior Designers in Trivandrum - Gambitz Designs

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Name Gambitz Designs
Date Published February 14, 2023
Category Other Services
Country India
State Kerala
City Trivandrum
Number of Visits 78

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Gambitz Designs started off as a team of Designers, Architects, Product Developers & even Builders back in 2017. Since then, we have been available in the market in various looks & names. Whether your requirement be Interior, Architecture, Products, Furniture or of any sort, we have the perfect solutions for you; without burning the pocket. We at Gambitz believe in creating a better world, where everything we develop needs to be unique.
As the name Gambitz implies a move in chess where you sacrifice a pawn to make a bigger move. We in Team Gambitz, uses our skills & expertise to get to the next level as well as aiming to change the World as we know it. If you want to know more, get in touch with our team.
What We Do
It’s bit hard to explain what we do. But will make it clear, we are a team of Designers, Engineers, Architects & Developers who wants to see some changes made in the World. Our most unique trait can be simply explained as we are never satisfied with what we have, let it be a concept, a design or anything, we always focus on improving the work as well as ourselves always pushing to the next level.
Team Gambitz is there to support you on any sort of Design requirements related to Interior, Architecture, Furniture, Product Design etc. & much more.

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    1 Interior Designers in Trivandrum - Gambitz Designs