Industrial Park destination in Bhiwandi

Price Check with seller
Name Sana Khan
Date Published November 9, 2022
Category Other Services
Country India
State Maharashtra
City Bhiwandi
Number of Visits 71

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Maharashtra's fastest growing industrial, warehousing and manufacturing hub, Bhiwandi has witnessed exponential growth in generating employment opportunities during the pandemic. Over 9500 individuals benefited through jobs in the year 2020 as compared to 4000 in 2019 across the industrial parks in Bhiwandi.
Providing employment to people from various backgrounds such as skilled and un-skilled laborers, technical specialists, engineers, accountants and people in management roles, Bhiwandi has been able to service an array of sectors such as engineering, manufacturing and processing, healthcare, IT services, transport & logistics, hotels & restaurants, food products & beverages, financial services etc.
One of the leading industrial parks and a hub for more than 1500 operational factories, Bhumi World has been instrumental in the growth of Bhiwandi as a destination for employment seekers. Playing a major role in generating employment in the Rural area, Bhumi World has employed about 35,000 - 40,000 personnel till date.
Bhumi World has developed a 125-acre industrial park in Thane with over 20 operating business segments. It is providing employment opportunities to more than 30,000 people working with 1500 operational manufacturing units. Out of these, over 350 units are from countries like the US, the UK, Japan, Korea, Dubai, UAE, Africa, Germany and Switzerland.
The industrial park is located in one of the most developed areas of National Highway (NH-3) in Thane extension area. It offers several advantages such as supporting clients set up business operations through a "One window" system and a residential zone within less than 500 metres. Bhumi World has also helped develop hotels, restaurants and banquet halls near the industrial park as a daily support system for the business community.

Upcoming projects by Bhumi World include industrial parks, premium residential and commercial complexes with reputed developers across the country.
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    1 Industrial Park destination in Bhiwandi