IAS new batches start with exclusive offer contact kajal 7428366353

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Name Kajal Sharma
Date Published July 22, 2021
Category Education & Training
Country India
State Delhi
City North West Delhi
Area Rohini Sector 8
Address Head Office:D-11/156-157 Sector 8 Rohini Delhi-110085
Number of Visits 58

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The expert team in VEDANTA IAS ACADEMY has the ability to convert ordinary students in to determined Civil Service. Apart from this, we provide an equal learning opportunity for all students. We monitor all our academic partners to help students overcome all doubts.


We, VEDANTA IAS ACADEMY, are known for the quality coaching across all our centers that is expressed through the performance of our students.
✍️The same quality of physical classes in now available at your convenience through online mode.
✍️It is especially suitable for those aspirants who could not travel to join our center batches due to Covid, their job, college or some other constraints.
????Batch Date- 2nd August 2021 Class room program
????Duration- 1year-2year-3 year
????Schedule-Daily class 3 to 6 hr.

20℅ discount availalbe till 31st july
Vedanta IAS academy strongly believes in performance-oriented coaching performance. We are committed to quality and consistency during all our classroom and online coaching programs. As a result, it has made us live on top of the best Civil Services Exam preparation offering in Delhi. Vedanta is already certified as India's no.1


Call me for more details
KAJAL 7428366353

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    1 IAS new batches start with exclusive offer contact kajal 7428366353