HR training in Chandigarh

Price 12,500.00 Rs. ₹
Name Adarsh Suman
Phone 8629898029
Date Published February 19, 2019
Category Education & Training
Country India
State Chandigarh
City Chandigarh
Area Chandigarh
Address Industrial Area
Number of Visits 122

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Human Resource Management (HRM or HR) is the strategic approach which helps in making management effective so that they help the business. The roles and responsibilities of a human resource manager are related to employees like for their benefits or design of work. The purpose of HR manager is to maximize the productivity of an organization by computing the effectiveness of its employees. HR department responsibilities can be divided into three areas i.e. individual, organizational, and career.
Someone who likes to speak in front of crowd or want to interact with people and like to solve day to problem can definitely go for HRM, there is a huge scope in this field after MBA. Human Resource may be defined as the total knowledge, skills, creativity, and abilities to handle situations. HRM is that process which brings people and organization together to meet company’s goal.
And, if we talk about HRM scope then the scope is very wide actually this is concerned with manpower planning, recruitment, selection, transfer etc. and also deals relations of union and management.
EME Technologies provides the best training for HR management students in Chandigarh. Student can join our 6 weeks/month program and take advantages to work with professional HR managers and learn all new concepts and topics which will further help you in nourishing your skills and making bright future.

Contact Us:
Sunil Bhutani
EME Technologies
C-134, Puncom Technology Park,
Phase 8 Industrial Area,Mohali, Punjab
EMAIL: [email protected]
Ph. No: 9646738969, 7355606161, 0172-4183134

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