
Price Check with seller
Name Peoplelink
Phone 9100123013
Date Published November 24, 2018
Category Other Electronics
Country India
State Andhra Pradesh
City Hyderabad
Area Hi Tech City
Address Cyber Towers, Q3-A3, 10th Floor, Patrika Nagar, HITEC City
Number of Visits 80

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PeopleLink Podium delivers unmatched Interactivity among various digital devices with its ergonomic design which allowsyou to collaborate with your partners, Customers and business associates with technological ease; it provides great productivity benefits due to its modular form factor, achieving easy mobilityof the device.

We build software products that make everyday business interactions within the organization and with the outside world smarter. In essence, creating nextgen worker & customer experiences through design & technology.


PeopleLink e-Podium Ultra ,e-Podium Ultra, e-Podium, digital podium, smart digital pdoium,

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