E-Waste Buyers in Bangalore | Get Quote.

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Name zolopik Khairul
Phone 09743440440
Date Published May 14, 2022
Category Computers & Laptops
Country India
State Karnataka
City Bangalore
Area Bangalorre.
Address J.P. Nagar, Bangalore
Number of Visits 92

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You can sell your e-waste and Electronic waste with zolopik online, some of the electronics are Desktop computers, CPUs, fridges, washing machines, LED / LCD Tv, Dishwasher, printer, mouse, music systems, radios, etc are some of the most recyclable pieces of electronics in the waste stream today. As more consumers move toward mobile computing with laptops, tablets, and other mobile devices, many desktop computer models become outdated or obsolete. But, they still contain many valuable components, including but not limited to steel, aluminum, motherboards, hard drives, and copper.

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    1 E-Waste Buyers in Bangalore | Get Quote.