CBSE schools in Coimbatore | BVB CBSE School Saravanampatti - Brilliant Vidya Bhavan

Price Free
Name Kishore
Phone 9585593158
Date Published May 4, 2017
Category Other Classes
Country India
State Tamil Nadu
City Coimbatore
Area Vellakinar
Address No : 84B, Saravanampatti - Thudiyalur Road, Vellakinar, Coimbatore - 641029
Number of Visits 1042

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Brilliant Vidya Bhavan is a One of the best CBSE Schools in Coimbatore near Saravanampatti. Facilities and Infrastructure at BVB CBSE school in Coimbatore are on par with international standards.

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    4 CBSE schools in Coimbatore | BVB CBSE School Saravanampatti - Brilliant Vidya Bhavan