Career Growth for Professionals with a Certification in AI and Deep Learning

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Name Sana Khan
Date Published March 15, 2022
Category Other Services
Country India
State Maharashtra
City Mumbai
Number of Visits 59

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From the invention of the wheel to digital assistants in self-driving cars, technology has come a long way. The availability of mechanisms like Artificial Intelligence, the Internet of Things (IoT) and Machine Learning is helping businesses to break numerous barriers and reach consumers spread across broad geographical regions. The advent of the Industrial revolution 4.0 has allowed these advanced technologies to become a part of routine business operations.

“India’s AI market is expected to reach $US7.8 billion by 2025”[1]. With the increasing use of AI and Deep learning in core operations, businesses are in need of a proficient workforce who are skilled enough to use these sophisticated tools.

1. Role of AI and Deep Learning in Shaping Entire Industries

Machine learning is one of the widely used mechanisms in businesses at present. More specifically, Deep Learning, a subset of Machine Learning, is being adopted by companies around the globe with the use of Artificial Intelligence. A report calculated that “Only 7% of companies don’t use AI but are looking into it.”

The technological revolution has spurred development across multiple industries, like Healthcare, Transportation, Real-Estate, Finance, Manufacturing, and many more.

Transportation: The transportation industry is undergoing changes as deep learning facilitates the beginning of self-driving cars connected to the internet. With the help of Artificial Intelligence, these driverless cars will predict malfunctions and give out directions to the rider.
Healthcare: In the Healthcare industry, deep learning is being implemented to diagnose ailments timely and suggest the correct treatments. The emergence of predictive diagnosis is an outcome of implementing deep learning and artificial intelligence in the medical field.
Finance: There are a plethora of ways in which Artificial intelligence and deep learning are applied in the Finance industry. These sophisticated tools promote smooth functioning, from detecting fraudulent activities to developing more secure systems for financial transactions to even predicting the performance of stock markets.
Manufacturing: Artificial Intelligence tools and Deep learning are pushing manufacturers to let go of traditional techniques and adopt more tech-savvy mechanisms. Technology-based assembly lines help predict repairs and AI bots help remove blockages in an extensively spread supply chain, thereby reducing delivery time and cost.

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