Aerotropolis 200 Sq yd Plot in Gmada Mohali 95O1O318OO

Price 11,000,000.00 Rs. ₹
Name PC Infratech
Phone 9501031800
Date Published April 28, 2022
Category Land
Country India
State Punjab
City Mohali
Area Gmada Aerotropolis Mohali
Address IT City Road, Gmada Aerocity, Mohali
Number of Visits 73

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Gmada Aerotropolis City Plots near Mohali International Airport 95O1O318OO
Situated in the vicinity of Mohali International Airport, Gmada Aerotropolis City will come up on both sides of the Zirakpur-Banur road. The 1,653-acre Gmada Aerotropolis Township is an extension of GMADA’s Aerocity and will comprise both residential and commercial spaces. Gmada has already issued letters of intent (LOI) for 1,000 acres under landpooling for Gmada Aerotropolis city Mohali.

PC InfraTech:
95O1O-318OO, 84374-I692I

GMADA had started the process of land acquisition for Aerotropolis in May 2017. Through the land pooling scheme, owners will be provided residential or commercial plots instead of monetary compensation in lieu of their land. The land is being acquired in Bakarpur, Rurka, Safipur, Matran, Siaun, Manauli, Patton, Saini Majra, Chau Majra, Naraingarh, and Chhat villages.

PC InfraTech:
95O1O-318OO, 84374-I692I

Gmada aerotropolis city, 300syd LOI in C-Block is available at 165 Lakh. Gmada land for aerotropolis, 1-Kanal in Block-E is available at 59 Lakh. 1 kanal land in aerotropolis Mohali, Block-F is available at 65 Lakh. Gmada aerotropolis plots for sale, 200syd LOI in B-Block is available at 135 Lakh. Gmada aerotropolis plots, 100 sq yard LOI in D-Block is available at 60 Lakh. Gmada aerotropolis plots price, 100 sq yard SCO in D-Block is available at 240 Lakh. Aerotropolis mohali loi, Booth 25 sq yard in A-block is available at 52 Lakh

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    5 Aerotropolis 200 Sq yd Plot in Gmada Mohali 95O1O318OO