60th marriage mahal thirukdaiyur

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Phone 09443792453
Date Published July 20, 2017
Category Other Services
Country India
State Tamil Nadu
City Nagercoil
Area Thirukkadaiyur
Number of Visits 111

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Email: [email protected]
Dhanalakshmi Mahal,
No 3/27, South Street,
Tamil Nadu, India.


Dhanalakshmi Mahal is one of the most predominant marriage hall in Thirukadaiyur. Dhanalakshmi Mahal had been started in 2015 and hundreds of marriage have been celebrated in this marriage hall. Thirukadaiyur is famous for Goddess Shri Abirami amman and so for shastiapdapoorthi, (60th marriage) bheemarathasanthi (70th marriage) sadhabishegam,(80th marriage), and ayush homam. People who celebrate either their 60th marriage (shastiapdapoorthi), or sadhabishegam (80th marriage) or any other homams in temple and regular marriages, receptions, yellow festival, birthday parties, farewell parties can book the hall prior to the required date. The guest house contains 6 rooms and an A/c Cottage.

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