60 Bits Consulting: Creating Awareness on Facilitation Skill Training in India

Price 29,000.00 Rs. ₹
Name 60bits
Phone 9223268309
Date Published January 21, 2019
Category Other Classes
Country India
State Maharashtra
City Mumbai
Area Mumbai
Address ​129, AnandRaj Industrial PCS Ltd, Sonapur Ln, Bhandup West, Maharashtra 400078
Number of Visits 83

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The art of Facilitation is considered a complex subject and there are few experts who can cater to the needs of facilitation. 60 Bits Consulting is one such organisation who are credible facilitators in Mumbai, India. Our constant efforts are directed towards teaching the right techniques of facilitation that can help people and teams get aligned with the vision and mission of a company. Our expert facilitators are experienced in helping the company and the people associated with it in calculating strategic roadmap that will be beneficial for business solutions.


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