6 Month Industrial Training In Chandigarh

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Name Sunil Bhutani
Phone 07355606161
Date Published October 16, 2017
Category Education & Training
Country India
State Chandigarh
City Chandigarh
Area Mohali
Address C-134, Puncom Technology Park Phase-8 Industrial Area Mohali
Number of Visits 52

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6 months/6 Weeks “FREE OF COST / STIPEND BASED” Project Based Training
Our understanding of how technology works gives the ultimate, most comprehensive consulting approach. At EME technologies, bring your ideas for smart items to life and change how we interact with things in our day-to-day lives. We are collaborating the projects on cloud to improve productivity, enhances teamwork, improves decision making, and compresses time to market - whether employees and team members are in the same building or halfway around the world.
Hurry!!... Few Seats are left...
Take the 1st step & send us your updated resume immediately.

Please feel free to contact us at EME Technologies :
Contact Person: Sunil Bhutani
EME Technologies
C-134 Mohali, Punjab
EMAIL: [email protected]
Ph. No: 7355606161, 7355778188
Website: www.emetechnologies.com

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