1514 Sq.Ft Flat with 3BHK For Sale in Hormavu

Price 10,833,050.00 Rs. ₹
Name swathi kommala
Phone 7411564898
Date Published September 27, 2024
Category Houses - Apartments for Sale
Country India
State Karnataka
City Bangalore
Area Hormavu
Address Hormavu Agara
Number of Visits 3

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Your Dream Home Awaits in Bangalore’s Prime Location!

Introducing the stunning property, “SkyGrand Land Owner Share,” nestled in the heart of East Bangalore. This project offers a lifestyle that’s both luxurious and budget-friendly, ensuring unbeatable prices that are incomparable to others in the market.
Why SkyGrand Land Owner Share should be your new address:
Unbeatable Prices: Offering a lifestyle that’s both luxurious and budget-friendly, our prices are incomparable.
Prime Location: Situated in one of East Bangalore’s most sought-after areas, this property promises skyrocketing price appreciation, making it a wise investment for the future.

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    4 1514 Sq.Ft Flat with 3BHK For Sale in Hormavu