1125 Sq.Ft Flat with 2BHK For Sale in MNM KPL SAURABHA

Price 6,746,875.00 Rs. ₹
Name swathi kommala
Phone 8904938845
Date Published September 20, 2024
Category Houses - Apartments for Sale
Country India
State Karnataka
City Bangalore
Area Bangalore
Address Banjara Layout
Number of Visits 3

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Welcome to MNM KPL Saurabha, where luxury living and strategic investment opportunities converge in Green Garden Layout (Phase 2), Kalkere, Bangalore. Offering a choice of elegant 2 BHK and 3 BHK residences, our development combines sophisticated design with exceptional comfort. Located in a prime area with excellent infrastructure and amenities, MNM KPL Saurabha is perfectly positioned for both a serene living experience and promising investment returns. With 100% Vastu compliance, it ensures a harmonious environment for homeowners and a valuable asset for investors.

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    1 1125 Sq.Ft Flat with 2BHK For Sale in MNM KPL SAURABHA